Thursday, September 10, 2009

A9lan Ana Majnouunak (26)

I miss you guys;*! Enjoy ;)


The waves crashed against the shore. I closed my eyes and placed my head in between my knees and hugged them.

I heard a song blasting from the iPod speakers.. Wow that's pretty loud.

Galbak 9akhar jalmoud, ma77aan 3alaii! Zeed ib dalaalak zeed.. Yaa b3eedin 3an 3youunii, daraiit.. law ma daraiit! Galbii yaly taskena douum yes2alnii 3alaiik.. Law sahaa fikrii shuwaiiya, 9adeg inee bekk sahaiit.. 9ert mafaker berou7yy, wafaker bas feek!

7asait 3youni tghoureg, Yarabi laish chithee 7athy? 3umri ma alageeli wa7d san3.. Is there true love?

To tell you the truth, I don't quite believe in it 100%. There are going to be fights, huge ones. Possibly would break two lovers apart. Especially here, in Kuwait.

Laish chithee el9bayan yegazrounha 3al banat? Laish yegi9oun 3alaihoum ou begoulounlehoum batzawejech, when they just entered they're teen years?

They would just want to take advantage, to kiss them, to touch them, and to basically take pleasure. Ou akher shai yehedounhoum, and make up and excuse.. Or simply run off to get married..

E7na yal banat, laish in9adeghoum? Le2ana nage9na 7anan, we need to be loved. We need to be wanted. We need a shoulder to lean on and cry.

Bas mostly, LAISH enkamel, we7na NADRI ina mafeeh a knight with shining armors, to sweep us off of our feet.

Walah nader yelagoun el banat chithee.. Ou they're extremely lucky. 2/5 people marry their first love. 2/5!

I heard someone approaching, so I wiped a tear away.

"Juuj, Dee, please khalouni brou7y shuwaii.." I said softly. My voice started to break down.

"Joory shfeech?" said a deep man voice.

What the hell? I glanced to my right.

"Bismelah! 7amoud shyaaybek ihnee?" I asked surprisingly. M7md was my second cousin, more like a best friend to me. He was always there for me, and loved me dearly.

He sat next to me and said, "Shfeech? Shimza3lech? Kent ga3d ibdaari foug wela ashoufech ga3da brou7ech, fa gelt ayeech ta7aat!"

Shalaihkoum kan la9eg ib shalaihna, so he could see everything.

"Lasalamtik mafeeni shai.." I sniffed and wiped away my tears.

"Joory latgi9een 3alai! A3arfech 3adel ana.." He said firmly.

I lowered my head and lied, "Madri PMSing yemkin?"

He laughed and pushed me slightly, "La khalas yam3awda! Kilesh wela hormonaatkoum entaw el7areem!"

I giggled. 7amoud always knew how to make me laugh ..

"Tabeen nitmasha shuwai 3al ba7aar?" He suggested.

"Sure.." I nodded. I looked towards Dee and Juju.. They were already staring at us.. I motioned to them that I'm going to walk around the beach ..

I trotted behind M7md, since 9ubagni ou mesha.. "En6errr shfeek mesta3yell?!" I called out.

He looked back at me, and smiled. He held out his hand and said, "Yala ta3alaii.."

I smiled and grabbed his hand, "Walah mashkour 7amoud, you made me feel better.."

He locked his fingers with mine. "Walaaw, ma3aash men za3elach.." he said and squeezed my hands.

I stopped and leaned on M7md to take off my shoes, and I allowed my toes to sink in the cool, muddy sand. We laughed and remembered the old times, youm kena closer, ayaam 7elwa!

"Ambaih 7amoud tathkir youm re7na elcenima?!" I laughed.

"Latgouleen ib Avenues?" He chuckled.

"EEH!" I nodded. "Bada3na hathak elyoum! Walah el awadem ely kanaw bel cenima ikrehouna men te7ethef el popcorn!"

He laughed, "Eeh walaah .."

"Wenta yal ahbal 3athait eedi!" I giggled.

"Mo zoujti? Mouu kaifee?!" He waggled his eyebrows.

"Eeeh walah ta3aal! Mita gelna ibnetzawaaj?!" I asked jokingly.

"Shfeech? Esbou3 elyaay!"

"Eeeh 9a7 9a7.." I giggled. "Walah innek kalakchii!" I pushed him slightly.

"Haaaa bedaiina te7eresh?! Gadha Joory?!" he said.

Madait bouzi, "Eeeh gadha! Shbitsawee ya3ni?" I fluttered my eyelashes.

He laughed, "You shouldn't have said that!" 7amoud picked my up and threw me back on his shoulders.

"LAAAAAAA2 7AMOOOD!" I screamed loudly.

He walked closer to the sea, closer.. M7md went into the sea, and he carried me with his arms.

"Haaa?? Gadha Joory?" He asked while he was laughing.

"Khalaaaas 7amouud hidniii!" I giggled.

"Akeeed?" He winked.

"Lalalla mou 3al ba7aar 7amoud!" I said horrified. He tried scaring me by letting go, but still holding on to me.

"7amouud bas khalaaas!" I whined.

He laughed and put my arms around his neck, and threw himself into the sea. Of course, I was clinging on to him, so I ended up in the sea too.

"7AMOOUUD YA7MAAAR!" I screamed. My eyes were burning. I tasted the dull tasty water and sputtered it out. "7AAM--!!"

"Kaaaani kaani!" He chuckled and grabbed my waist.

"Akrehiiiiik!" Madaiit bouzy and brushed my hair back with my fingers.

"Afffa afaa laiish laiish?" He whispered and came closer..

I felt his cold breathe on my face.

--Jalmoud, Rashed AlMajed.


  1. FIRST

    more more u can't stoppp here

    u've been misseddd


  2. Why did you have to stop?

    I liked 7amoud, a7sa caring and lovable, Alla y5aleelch eyaah :*

    I SO TOTALLY LOVED THE POST! And I absolutely can't wait for more XD

    Inshalla something haooens between them, 7ady ert7tla walla :D

    Welcome back babe :*

  3. Between, when you said ena laish ynga9 3alaina and stuff and we ned the's true :(

    I got everything you said...

  4. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh<3 A7B UR COUSIN!
    Inshallah he'll treat her a7san:*******

    Post soon pleeeeeease:*

  5. ra7 i7iiiiiibha !! wanasa wayid nas i7iboonha LOOOL

  6. Sunset: LOL! Love, your gonna have to wait and see;*! Thanks for your support<3

    Zarh: LOOL i love him toooo;p! Inshaalah;*

    DD: LOOOOOL yes its true madri laish :p
