Monday, August 24, 2009

A9lan Ana Majnouunak (21)

This is NOT happening.. Urgh ... no.. NO!

"You guys, digeega khanfaker, don't panic!" I said calmly. My face lit up, "Khan6eg eljamaa 3ala elkhaddam yemkin ga3dein! Akeed uhma ely igfellaw el Shalaih.."

Dalia nodded. Jude said, "Haw wait wainah? Mo barrah ghurfat'houm?"

"La2, kahu yam dakhlat el ma6bakh.." I walked over to the window and knocked.

Knocked, knocked. No answer. I pressed my ears on the window. I couldn't hear anything.

"Ifhhh.." I sighed.

"Ooh ooh!" exclaimed Jude. "Call banat 3ammech yemkin ga3dein!"

Dalia shook her head and said, "La yam3awda shbegooloun 3annah 6al3een hal 7azzah?! Manabeehoum yeshiikoun feenah, ou foug hatha akeed begouloun 7ag Khalti Nada!"

I looked at Dalia.. "It's our only hope!"

Dalia sighed and said, "Kaifkoum.."

I looked at my phone, I remembered that the battery was dead. I huffed, "Khalesaat ba6areytii!"

"Mkhalya mobiley dakhel el shalaih!" said Jude.

"Digega, hach.." Dalia dug her phone from her back pocket and handed it to me.

I stared at the screen for a second. "FUCK!" I exclaimed.

"Shfeech?!" asked Dalia.

"Mo 7aftha raqamhoum!!"

"Ohhh.. shinsawe al7een?" sighed Jude as she sat on the ground.

"Madri, bas 7ADY 7asrana!" I jumped up and down.

Dalia and Jude bursted into laughter. "Matyouzeen Joory? 7addich 6omasha!" giggled Dalia.

"Sektaw sektaw.. yala goumaw khaneg3ad 3ala el baranda ely 3ala el ba77aar." I helped Jude up.

We walked to the baranda and sat down.

"OH MY GOD!" exclaimed Jude.

"Shhhh! Keep it down layesme3ounah! Ghourfat'houm 6ala 3al ba7ar ihnee!" I pointed.

"Shfeech?!" asked Dalia.

"Luckily, we left the iPod decker here!" said Jude as she turned it on.

"Thank GOD! Entertainment!" giggled Dalia.

Mahma eldenyaa beyy darrat benaa, tebga inta fe baaly .. Ya aghla men sekan fe galbi anaaa;* Elshouug waddaani, elshoug lekk wadaani! Ya ne9ii elthaani.. entaaa yaaa ne9ii elthaani;*!

"Allaaaaaaah 3alaik ya A9eel!" sighed Dalia.

I smiled and though, 3asa allah layfaregna walaah! 9ij ba3th el a7yan ye2atheeni, bas bel akheer a7iba.

The sun finally started to rise slowly. Time went by fast, we were laughing, enjoying our time.

"Jay?! YAL FAHHHHRA!" exclaimed Dalia.

"Haw, shfeech?" I was confused.

"Ray7a 7ag Na9er ou nafnouufich m6al3 kel 9adreech?!" Her eyes widened.

I looked down to my chest and said, "Yazagga nazla el dress shfeech! And btw, YOU chose it ! Fa incha3mai!"

"Walah inech mo hayna!" Dalia wiggled her eyebrows.

"3adaaaaaaaaal entay! 6al3ai 9adrech ba3ad 6aale3! Wel jeans gi9eer kel fkhouuthech 6al3a!" I pointed and giggled.

Jude laughed loudly and shook her head.

"Siktay siktay ya fahra, khaleeeech sakta a7sanlech!" laughed Dalia.

I laughed and though, walah hal bint khraiisha, she's always random and has random thou--


I squinted my eyes to see a man walking his dog on the shore, rather close to us. He was actually laughing at us.

"Ambaih ambaih!" I gasped. "That guy heard everything ou ga3d yeth7ak 3alaina!"

"WAIN?!" Dalia jumped from her place ou 6allat men el baranda, etdawer 3alaih.

"Wetgooleeeeeeen ana fahraa haaaa?" I giggled.

"Chub, chub, yam3awda.." she laughed and looked at him.

"Oh my gosh, he's still smiling.."

"I wanna seeee!" Jude jumped in next to us and looked down. She tossed her brown curly hair to her right and said, "Ooh I likey! He's hot!"

She was right, kan agra3, ou jismah 7ilw, he wasn't really tanned, bas lounah kan 7ilw. He had an amazing smile.

The man gazed at Jude for a while, and waved. She blushed, "Ambaih..! 7aggy?"

"EEEH ya3ni minu 7aggah ?!" gasped Dalia.

"Wallah inkoum ragleen! Ta3alaw ta3alaw layshoufounah elawaadem!" I sat back down and watched them sit down.

Jude looked pretty happy.. She was smiling.

"Haaaaaaaa Juju?!" I winked.

"Shush shush lata7rejeeni!" blushed Jude. "Haw hatha mo el9eby? Yalaa yala khangoulah yeba6el elshalaih!" she quickly got up and closed the iPod decker.

IN the shalaih.

I put my phone on the charger, ou inseda7t 3ala frash.. Aaaaakh wa2akheeran..

I closed my eyes and said, "You guys kaifkom bas banaaaaaaaaaam! I'm so sleepy!"

"Noum el3awafe 7uby, kelena benaam now ! Goodnight.." Dalia kissed my cheek and left the room with Jude.

I felt my phone vibrate from under the pillow. I opened one eye to see who was calling..

I was sleepy to the point the screen seemed blurry to me, so I decided to answer anyways..


--Ya Ne9ii ElThani, A9eel.


    I want to know who it is &what's gnna happen to Jude &Idk what's his name!!! D:

  2. Queenofmyhood: Ehehehe inshalah ;*

    Youcompleteme: love you too sweety!:*

  3. minooo!!?
    minoo ily dag 3aliha ?!
    next post please!

  4. laish 22 lama i press on it maktooob page not found!?

  5. EXACTLY!!!! I SAW ITTTT!!!!!!
    NEXTTTT!!!!! 22!!!!!!!!!
    I'll annoy the hell outta you ya Jayy! :p PUT IT UP!!!!

  6. thank god 7atan inty shefteeh 7asbalii bess ana:S:p
    jay wain il post ?!

  7. 7abaybee sorry bel ghala6 nazalt 22 ! Oo it wasnt complete.. walah wogaf galbii lol! Inshalah in a few hours it will be ready ;)

  8. Haha, it better or Ima harras you on msn or with phone calls 'til you do(:
    As simple as that=]
    Haha, love you:*
