Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A9lan Ana Majnouunak (23)

Dedicated to identity! You always crack me up when you say "Miinuu minuu?" It's adorable:* Thanks for being there from the begining.

This post is EXTRA long.. Enjoy;*


I gasped and shot a look to Jude.

Jude was already staring at him. It was that guy ely shifna the other day 3al baranda!

"OH MY GOD!" Dalia's jaw dropped.

"Well, he cleans up good." giggled Jude.

"Eeh walah 9a7 kalaamich!" said Dalia.

They were right, kan labes desdasha, ou imghatter.. He was pretty cute..

He walked to 3ami 3abdullah and Khalti Nada..

"3abdelmi7sen shlounek??" she smiled as she greeted him.

I looked at Jude, she was blushing and smiling. 7addda she liked him!

She deserves the best, I thought as I smoothed out my dress.

"Joory! Joory!" called out Khalti Nada, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hala Khalti?" I got up and walked towards her.

"7u9a a3arfech 3ala Joory Liflaniyyah, omha Flannah liflaniyah, ou oboha flan leflaani!" she said.

I smiled and kissed her.

"Welne3em walah!" smiled 7u9a as she shook my hand and kissed me.

"Yen3am ib7allech Khalti!" I said.

"Ya7elwich walah, cham 3umrech?" she asked.

"16, inshalah ba3ad cham shahar 17!" I smiled.
"Mashalah 3alaich 7abeebti! Shaklech walah wayd akbar gilt bel 3eeshreenaat!" she said.

I laughed, "Eeh walah wayd nas yegoulouunli.."

"7abeeebti salmai 3ala omech waaayd gouleelaha 7ussa Liflaniyyah tsalem 3alaich wayyd!" she said as she patted my back.

"Inshalah khalti 3ala amrech, men 3youni!" I said politely.

"Maye2amer 3alaich 3adu 7abeebti.." she smiled.

"Yala ba3ad ethnich, tesharafna Khalti!" I smiled and walked back to my place.

I sat down and scanned the room. Mi7sen was giving furtive glances to Jude. They were obviously into each other.

I remembered Dalia, I looked at her.. "Dee, sh9ar 3ala Fai9al?"

She smiled, "El7emdilah, we figured it out ou chithee.. Agoulech ba3dain kilesh mo wagtah now!" she nodded towards the crowd.

I nodded, "Okay belail ne6la3 yeah?"

"Okay! Wanasa!" she seemed happy.

We all had a great time as time flied by.. "Tefathelaw 3ala el 3asha!" called out Rawa2, Khalti Nada's daughter.

And we all headed outside, towards the tables.


"Allaah Jay 7i6eeli men hatha!" said Jude.

"Enshalah.." I reached over, magedart a6oola, so I had to wait.


I looked up, it was Mi7sen. He handed Jude the spoon towards her.

I giggled and hurried away to the table, towards Dee.

I placed my plate down and sat down, "Lay6oooofich el buffet 3end Jude!"

Dalia was stuffing her mouth with food, she looked at Jude and spit her food out. "BA3AAD?! Gamaw yesoulfoun ?! Walah fahra hal bint!"

I laughed really hard, "Walah hal kelma ehya ely khalat'houm they notice each other!"

She laughed and agreed. I scanned my eyes throughout the room, people were having a great time. I spotted the guy I saw earlier when I came down, he was staring at me.

I didn't know what do to, so I just looked away. I sipped my diet coke, and glanced at him, he was still staring. He smiled and waved, so I smiled back.

Dee didn't notice anything, she was still stuffing her self down with food. I laughed and shook my head. I decided to keep quite..

Ghurfat el esteqbal

"Akramkoum allaah!" said Khalti Hessa as she got up.

"Bel3afya 7abeebti 7ayaakoum alaah!" said Khalti Nada as she got up and kissed her.

I got up to kiss her goodbye. "Ta3alai Joory! Ba3arfech 3ala 3yaaali.. Hathi Rayouma.."

I smiled and kissed her.

"Ou hatha 3abdullah.." she pointed.

Oh shit, it was him. I smiled at him.

"Ya hala.." he said.

"Hala feek!" I said.

"Yala 7abeebti mithel magiltlech salmai 3ala omech wayed!" she added.

I nodded, "Inshalah Khalti.."

Everyone left, ou bedaw yesheeloun el buffet..

Rawa2 came up to us and said, "Banat i7na kelena ray7een 7ag late show movie! Yayeen?"

"Okay, sure! Bas wain?" asked Dalia.

"Elkout!" answered Rawa2

I nodded and said, "Okay khoush, bas khanbadel.."

"Bas Rawoo2a mara7 inkafee one car!" said Jude.

"Eeh 7abeebti, ibnakheth el cayenne malyy ou el cayenne mal Noufa.." answered Rawa2. "Yala banat badlaw we'll meet you down in an hour.."


I pulled out my Abercrombie and Fitch pants, and a shirt that had 3alamat Holister kibeera bel wusu6. I pulled down my hair and ruffled it, making it look natural. I took off the red lipstick, and applied pale baige instead.

Dalia went with an oversized sweater, and long leggings. While Jude went with a green Juicy training suit.

I called Na9er, it's been a while men ma 7achaiitah! I called, no answer. I remembered that I had to call Bader, and did so.

"Aloo?" he answered.

"Ahlan! Sorry madagaiit kan 3indah 3azeema ou chithee.." I excused myself.

He chuckled, "Laa, la 3ady! Joory walah walhaan 3alaiich!"

I smiled and said, "Walah ana akthar ya Bader!"

Dalia pointed at her watch and motioned that it was time to go..

"Bader asfa bas ana al7een ba6la3.. akalmek messages?" I offered.

"Allah yehadach hal 7azza te6le3on?" he asked.

"Eeh walah film ma3a banat 3ami ou chithe.." I answered.

"Deeraw balkoum 3aad! Mo etdousoun ou chithee.." he said.

I laughed, 3ad Rawa2 brou7ha maynounah! "Enshalah.. Yala bye!"

We closed the phone and started chatting as I grabbed my Gucci bag. We walked down stairs and met Rawa2.

Qasamna el banat so we'd be equal.. Dalia, Jude, and I ended up being in Rawa2's car. I sat infront while the other girls sat behind. Some were even bel dabba!

Rawaa2 started the car, music was blasting from the speakers. It was so loud, that you couldn't even hear your self!

Rawa2 sped, 80.. 100.. 150... I reclined back and listened to the music..

7alaaaaly abeeeeeeek, wafaker feeek... Wa3eesh el denya digeega, ou thanya 3ashan artheek;*! 7abeebi abaak.. ou men yeswaak? A7ibek entaa wel3umri el baagy ba3eesha ma3aak! Goulaaw anaani 3anii anaani b7oubah anaaaaah;* Shougah ou 7ubbah ou daggat galbah kela 7alaalii ana;*!

"ALLAAAAAAH!" screamed Rawa2 as she turned up the volume even more. She started dancing, and I laughed.

"3ashaaaaaaw!" screamed Dalia at the back.

I looked at my right, and a car with two guys inside were pacing us.. Ely kan ga3d yesoug motioned us to go slowly.

I looked away and enjoyed the song..

Ayywaa, hallaaaah! Entaa malaak bain el bashaar.. enta elwa7eed 7ubbak akeed.. Khalah el 7asood mayyet qahhaar;* Wana wana wana goulaw anaani, b7oubbah anaa;*

Rawa2 was dancing like crazy and laughing. I closed my eyes and danced to the song.

Anaaaa galbii yabeeek, ou 3aglii yabeek, ou rou7yy tabeeeek.. Ou mid eedaiik wana ajeeek.. wana ajeek;*

I looked at the meter, she was over 215 .. I looked back, the girls were dancing like crazy.

I smiled and looked at the time, it was 1:16pm.

1 new mssg.
From: Bader

"Jay elyoum na7la il7egatni tethakartech 3ala 6oul ou ga3adt ath7aak;p!"

I laughed at loud and replied to him. I looked out the window, we were going pretty fast.

I heard Jude laugh. Oh, her famous signature laugh.. I really hope that--

The car skidded across the highway.


I saw my life flash by, right before my eyes.

I let out a blood-curling scream.

--7alaaly, Miami.


  1. :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:(
    3assa masar shay 5a6eer!!!:'(
    walla kent 7asa!!
    allah ihadeeha! laish daysa!
    3assa kilkum ib5ayr il7eeen!
    lal7eeen moo 2msadga!!
    kent ga3da agra the post shway shway 3ashan makent abii agra this part malat il 7adth!!
    next post pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
    oooo shinooooooo shinoooooo 9ar fa next post raja2an ibser3a pleaseeee(A)(A)!!!:P

  2. LOOOL identity, mara7 agool shai 3ashan tegroon the next post! I love you :*!

  3. il7eeen the happy comment!!!:p
    THANK YOU! BA3AD TABEEN THANK YOU our hatha kfaya??!:p
    im glad i crack you up!!!:p
    inty il adorable walla!!:****
    7ubiii dont thank me!! i will always be here!!till the end inshallah!!!;p
    la2ana abii a3areff shinoooooo 9arrr! oo il7een ana baroo7 anam goodnight!!:P
    ooo THANK YOU 7ABIBTY one more time!!

  4. loooool alvaroo ana magelt shay im asking 3an ur helth bess !!!:P

  5. inzain bess goolay killkum ib5ar bess!!!?


  7. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL !! Walah ur so adorable:*!! Eeh 7uby, kelena ibkhair right now. Thank you so much:*

  8. I hate that day;(
    I swear I cried tawa reading this.
    &malat 3alaich! Al7een you stop?! Keeeeeep writing biyatch!!! D:

  9. OMG!!!! I was enjoying the post o faj2aa my eyes were popping out!! il7mdilla u guys r ok now (from reading the comments) BAS DONT STOP NOW KEEEP WRITING!!

    Love ur story daaahling!!

  10. whaaaaat?! why? shlon? mita? sh9aaaar?!?!! :O


    salamat!!!! ;*


  11. Jayy, 5aba9tay igloobhum 3ala ilee 9ar feena.. :/
    We're fine now y'all(: Don't worry;p
    &I keep reading this cuz it's good memories bes also bad ones;(
    Yalla Jay come back so we have more(:

  12. I LOVE YOU GUYS! We're all okay il7emdilah (:

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
